Our Purpose
Our singular focus is to educate and mobilize the church in support of vulnerable children and families.
Our Outreach Projects
~ Resource Clothed in Grace, a space filled with new/used clothing & shoes for foster and adoptive families
~ Spruce up visitation rooms used by foster children
~ Recruit and support mentors for former foster youth
~ Provide household supplies to former foster youth as they move into their first home/apartment
~ Collaborate with local foster agencies and supply caseworkers with needed clothing/supplies when families receive a placement
~ Supply journey bags filled with pajamas, blankets, socks, underwear, hygiene items, toys, games, art supplies, Bibles and stuffed animals to foster children who have just been placed
~ Celebrate Christmas and high school graduation with former foster youth by providing presents for them
~ Work with local pro-life ministries by offering educational opportunities and events in order to promote the sanctity of life within the church
Our Team
Contact Us:
Called to Care Outreach
Clothing Resources